CIFO Consultations
CIFO is committed to being transparent about its policies and the thought-process that informs those polices. Input from CIFO’s various stakeholder constituencies forms an important part of CIFO’s policymaking process and ensures that CIFO’s Board of Directors has the necessary input to support productive discussion and effective decisions.
Wherever possible, CIFO will publish a consultation paper that provides some background to the issue, sets out what the questions are, and may also share what the Board of Directors is minded to do. The consultation paper will set out the deadline for receiving input (normally no less than 30 calendar days except in exceptional circumstances and normally 60 calendar days) and how to contact us with your views. Unless you specify that you wish your name and views to be kept confidential, we will publish a list of those who provided input along with copies of the input submitted.
In order to encourage the broadest possible stakeholder engagement, CIFO will do the following to draw attention to consultations:
- Publish the consultation paper on CIFO’s website on the main page and in the consultation section;
- send an email notification to all stakeholders that have registered to receive our newsletter on the CIFO website;
- send an email to designated contacts at specific organisations representing groups of stakeholders (industry associations, consumer groups, etc.).
Following each consultation, CIFO will publish a response that summarises the input received, the decision taken, and the reasons why the decision was taken in light of the input received. The response will be published on CIFO’s website in the consultation section alongside the corresponding consultation paper.